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Google Translate tips and review

The most common barrier in communication is language. How can you make the best of your trip to a place with people with whom you don’t share a language? Translation software is prevalent and google.com/translate is one of the most common.

If you are looking for something accessible and inexpensive, you’ve got it in Google Translate. It is free and is tied to google.com, so highly accessible. Google translate houses translations between over 100 languages. You can translate anything from words and phrases to whole documents. Using voice recognition adds a layer of ease to translation as well.

Tips for using Google Translate:

Do use the voice recognition (speech-to-text) options. Even having someone who speaks another language speaking directly in to your device can make sure there are no miscommunication woes.

Do make Google speak for you. Use the small speaker button and the word or phrase will be said for you. This not only helps you and your native speaker, but hearing the pronunciation will help you perfect your foreign language learning.

Do log on to your Google account and save frequently used phrases.

Do make the translation community better. If you are unhappy with a translation, you can suggest a different word. This helps the entire community.

Don’t be afraid to double check your words against another source. Google is far from infallible and mistakes can be embarrassing and costly.

Don’t just use Google Translate for single words or phrases. You can use it for translating of entire documents and websites as well.

Article was written by Dev Randhawa. Dev is a US-borne blogger who travels full time. Learn how you can travel full time by following Dev online.

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